Wednesday 2 April 2008

HERB: Weight loss NaturallyThe Latest Weight Loss and Diet News:

HERB: Weight loss NaturallyThe Latest Weight Loss and Diet N

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Gems from the sea of Knowledge

• We suffer because we possess the false desire.
• Our suffering is trying to tell something.
• When you have nothing to do,become aware of yourself.
• Refuse to live like others.You then escape the unhappiness of others.
• Do not sacrifice long-term benefits for immediate sensations of pleasure.
• Fear is caused by our insistent clinging to the false self,as we become conscious of this,our fears fade fast.
• Do not be discouraged over anything.Turn every difficulty in to increased determination for the Light.
• Life is Real only when we are.
• Let nothing stand in your way.
• The process of self-development can be described as the stripping away of layer after layer after layer of all that is false.
• To be chosen,we must choose to be chosen.
• Unawareness causes grief.
• Trust your intelligence.
• No circumstance can disturb our inner peace. Fear and Tension vanish once and for all.
• ‘Difficult’ has no meaning,when you want something badly enough. Simply do…to win the goal! Then there will be no difficulty.
• One once of personal spiritual experience is worth tons of hearing and reading about the experiences of others.
• No one on Earth can hurt you,unless you accept the hurt in your own Mind.
• There is no such thing as sad days or happy days.There are only sad people or happy people.
• Don’t postpone Happiness.
• Freedom begins as we become conscious of it.
• You were not meant to be unhappy.
• At this moment,we are creating our ‘tomorrow’.
• Be gentle toword yourself.

Source: ‘The Mystic Path To Cosmic Power’
- Vernon Howard.

Monday 24 March 2008

Reiki Healing Course

Reiki Healing Course

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